
Saturday, 1 June 2013


Getting married can be a daunting prospect, but this bride  has a good reason to look terrified.. she is being  chased by a menacing T-Rex.The amusing photo  is the creation of Quinn Miller, 22, who digitally  added the giant dinosaur chasing the entire wedding  party out of the ceremony.Mr Miller took the shot at  the wedding of Katie Young, 23, and James Lowder,  21, from Louisiana at The Myrtles Plantation on  Sunday. He told that he had...

Pelbagai Bentuk Lukisan Atas Kuku (12 foto)

Kat bawah ni terdapat 12 bentuk lukisan atas kuku. Ade ke orang yang nak lukis kuku mereka macam tu? VIDEO CARA LUKIS KUKU Plaid Nail Art Design Tutorial: How to Paint Plaid Nail Polish on Finger Nails ENJOY! (Pelbagai Bentuk Lukisan Atas Kuku...

MASJID Canggih Berkuasa SOLAR di Kosovo (9 gambar)

Masjid yang menggunakan kuasa solar ini terletak di Prishtina iaitu bandar yang terbesar di Kosovo. SUBHANALLAH! (MASJID Canggih Berkuasa SOLAR di Kosovo...

People and fruits

Pertanian merupakan satu pelaburan yang sihat.Walaupun diatas bukit, ditepi sungai,didalam bandar dan dimana ada tanah lapang,masyarakat  disitu akan melakukan kerja menanam. ...

Sayangnya harimau

When temperatures reaching a stifling 37 degrees, even these well-adapted  tigers need to find a way of escaping the heat.The beautiful big cats are  pictured at the controversial Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi, Thailand,  where around 100 live alongside Buddhist monks.Many were brought  to the reserve as cubs and have grown up around humans. But even  so these pictures show just how remarkably close these fearsome  creatures can get to their keepers. The...

Kereta api dan gajah

Four elephants have been killed after they became trapped on a railway  line and were hit by a speeding train. The elephants were part of a herd crossing the railroad tracks in eastern  India when the express passenger train ploughed into them.Two adult  female elephants and one calf were killed at the scene while another  died later from its injuries. Villagers attempted to join in the rescue effort but could not save the two  adult female elephants and one calf...

Fashion Victims dan Model

Fashion victims! Models at graduate catwalk show don  painful-looking gold  mouthpieces and spiky hats ...


(9 GAMBAR)Kucing Di Jadikan Makanan Di Ch...

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